Des Racines et des ailes | Family Roots and High Flying
By: Paula Rios
Discover Franck Allard’s passionate journey through life, his enthusiasm for things great and small, and his adventurous spirit. From his time in the Navy to all the creative ideas and solutions he brought into the family insurance broking business, intertwining business with his passion for the ocean, motor sports and, later, for wine, the ex libris of his beloved hometown Bordeaux, Franck dared all – and succeeded.
With a true entrepreneurial spirit, he has grown the family’s broking business and prepared the new generation to take over the helm and face all the challenges ahead – as any great leader should do.
Franck Allard was born May 23, 1949 in Bordeaux. He pursued his education at the Collège Saint Joseph de Tivoli (Bordeaux), the Ecole de Sorèze (Sorèze) and later at the University of Bordeaux IV Montesquieu and the Institut d'administration des entreprises (IAE) of Bordeaux and joined the family brokerage company in 1972. A true entrepeneur he turned his passion for motor sports into a successful business, creating Assurance Moto Verte (AMV), a branch of Filhet Allard that today has offices in France, Spain and Argentina and over two million policies now make up that portfolio, and 500 employees work to develop the company to the customers’ benefit.
Currently, he is Chairman of the Board of the family-owned insurance broking firm, Filhet-Allard SAS, President of the Medef Gironde, Vice-President of the Medef Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine, President of the Chambre Syndicale des Courtiers d'Assurances du Sud-Ouest (Planète CSCA S-O) and a member of the National Council.
As the French like to say, Franck is “un grand seigneur.” The company has made history in Europe, solid and resilient as it is, founded on ethical culture and a vision for the long term, things rather uncommon in this day and age. Simply fascinating. And I realized Franck Allard's fundamental role.
José Manuel Fonseca
MDS Group CEO & Brokerslink Chairman